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Who Nose?

englisches Theater im Rahmen des Festival of Friends
This classical clown theater play shows the encounter of a clown with an authoritarian teacher. The teacher tries to educate his student following a carrot and stick approach. In a playful and imaginative way the clown is able to undermine the teacher’s authority and in the end turns the examiner into the examinee.
actors: Cassandra Kosiol and KT Riemann
Cassandra crew up in Singapore and studied in the United States. Now she is living in Germany.
KT was living in Canada and the United States and is now head of the festival of Friends Society in Germany.
Gefördert durch die Stadtverwaltung Erfurt
Musik von Michael Summ

Datum Fr. 02. Aug.
Spielort Galli Theater
Einlass 30 min vor Veranstaltungsbeginn
Beginn 15:00 Uhr
Dauer 45 Min
Preise 7 / 9 €
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